Optimize Your Lending Model

2024年6月28日 01:11:41

There is a way to optimize your lending model.

  1. Deposit your assets to the collateral pool in cex or dapp. The difference is that borrow apy is fixed in cex and floating in dapp.

  2. Obtain the loans from the borrowing pool in cex or dapp. The key point is you can get extra reward in dapp, such as @Scallop_io, @TimeswapLabs.

  3. Finally supply your loans to the lending pool and get a good supply apy.

  4. Addationally you can loop your loans to become collateral and repeat the above steps.

  5. Be careful you need to do health check-up by Loan To Value(LTV) ratio. Best, you should set up a monitor, such as email or telegram bot, to remind you once the threshold is reached.

  6. In the end, you will get: (Borrow Reward APR + LTV ratio * Supply APR) * (1 +...+ (LTV ratio)^loop num).
